On January 14 Mazarine Ventures hosted a technology showcase that featured 17 promising early-stage technology companies with innovations that address water and/or wastewater challenges. Leading IP law firm, CookAlex, graciously hosted the event.
7 Chicago-Area Companies
With a legacy in agriculture, food & beverage, heavy industry, urban planning, and real estate, Chicago's business community has been commercializing innovations that address water and wastewater challenges for over a century. Couple that legacy with a corporate and university ecosystem that is exceptionally strong not only in science and engineering, but also in entrepreneurship, and you have a leading hub of innovation addressing water and wastewater challenges.
10 Companies From Across North America
As an important hub of venture capital focused on industrial innovation and sustainability, Chicago has become an important stop for early-stage companies with innovations that address water and wastewater challenges. The invited 10 companies were invited to swing through Chicago as part of their efforts to raise investment capital and identify strategic partners.
How were the featured companies selected?
As we are Chicago-based, we like to cultivate relationships with entrepreneurs in our our backyard. So, we invited 7 early-stage Chicago-area technology companies that are bringing compelling innovations to market, led by dynamic CEOs. The 10 non-Chicago area companies were selected for their potential fit with Mazarine's investment criteria, as well as our syndicate partners.
Attendees enjoyed ample networking time
This invite-only luncheon and afternoon program's guest list included 55 investors and corporates interested in hardware and software solutions for water and wastewater in light/heavy industry, commercial/residential property, power, agriculture, health, and utilities. Attendees were about 50% local Chicago and 50% from around North America.
Throughout the event some attendees were selected for interviews with Kevin Sofen of W.S. Darley & Co. Darley and Mazarine are strategic partners, especially around water and social impact. Part of our collective vision, and the reason Mazarine and Darley are partners, is to leverage media to share ideas, technologies, and experience. The January 14th interviews will be shared on LinkedIn over coming weeks.
Why is Mazarine hosting a technology showcase?
This event is designed to shine the spotlight on young companies that are bringing compelling solutions to market, spanning: agriculture, light/heavy industry, commercial, residential, conservation, and municipal. We are firm believers in building a community of executives who are passionate about accelerating the commercialization of hardware and software technologies that address water and wastewater challenges. Whilst there certainly is a time and a place for discretion and mutual NDAs, we also enjoy informally gathering our network of industry friends who share our belief in sharing, learning, and networking around early-stage innovations addressing water and wastewater. While cliché, we believe 'it takes a village', and welcome opportunities to partner with other groups that share our values.
When is the next Mazarine technology showcase?
While the date has yes to been finalized, it will likely be in Boston, where we will again highlight local technology companies plus innovative young companies from across North America.